Monday, July 15, 2013

Week 5

Hello FAM!

THIS WEEK HAS BEEN LEGIT! Fasting works that’s all I have to say! We got 4 new investigators.....3 in ONE DAY! Which NEVER happens in the South!!!! We were seriously freaking out!! I almost cried at one woman’s house.  We found her teaching record in our area book and decided to stop by. Turns out the address we had been trying was the wrong one but luckily a random guy told us where he thinks she moved so we went for it and FOUND HER!  She is the sweetest black woman I have ever met in my life.  She opens the door and chants "OH HALLELUJAH " for like 10 minutes straight.  She goes on to tell us how she has wanted the missionaries back for so long but she didn't know how to get a hold of us.  She called us angels and gave us like a million hugs.  We immediately went in and she had us say a prayer while holding hands in a circle.  The entire time I was saying it she was like shaking my hand and nodding her head and saying HMMMHMM...OH YEAH... I WAS DYING! But it was soooooo cool and such a good spirit was there!  She has been praying we would come over for a year now and then we did!  She is a heavy smoker but when we went back a second time she said every time she smokes she throws up and has diarrhea after now! THANK YOU Heavenly Father! She has a lot to learn obviously but she says she wants to be baptized and she is just the sweetest lady who LOVES us dearly!  A second investigator is a 48 year old woman.  She was a referral given to us and she seems way interested.  She has zero money and no transportation and we meet on her porch of her trailer but that just means she is extremely humble and more open to receiving the gospel.  She’s great and hopefully good things happen with that! The next is a 19 year old girl who is friends with a girl in our ward.  She is like obsessed with the idea of an eternal marriage so hopefully we can continue to meet with her and teach more! Then there is a girl who we have been trying to get a hold of but then fate stepped in and we just happened to be visiting a member RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO WHERE SHE LIVED. We had no idea and she invited us in and now we are going to her house for dinner tonight! I'm stoked about new people to teach because that’s my favorite part!!! Pray for these peeps!!!! <3

Today we are going to try to go to the BEACH and play Frisbee and stuff!! I'm so excited!!!! Erik, do you know where Destin is?  Everyone keeps going there for fun and I was curious to see if you have ever heard of it!

I have tried some new foods this week including CRAB LEGS. Which by the way are amazing and addicting.  Mom, you thought I might have lost weight NO. Unfortunately the pounds are adding.  It’s so hard because they feed us so much and it’s so good.  I am trying to eat smaller portions though but then they give you dessert right after and MAN! I also tried red beans and rice, which is a southern delicacy I guess!  It was amazing!! Oh also Mom you should try making "Nestles Cookie-Brownies".  We bought them at Walmart to make for District Meeting and they were so delicious.  Another good dessert idea is you freeze ice cream sandwiches like mud pie kind of and then put whipped cream, hot fudge, and heath bar on top and it’s so good!! You see why I am gaining weight here???

Have you ever heard of heat lightning?? They have it here where like it’s not storming and there is no lightning strikes, the sky just lightens up every 10 seconds or so. It’s so strange!!! Oh I forgot to tell ya.  We took a trip to Southport this week which is the farthest part of our area.  It is WAYYY southern.  We biked for so many miles because everyone’s houses are so spread out up there.  I wanted to saw someone’s head off because it was so stinking hot!  But anyways, for dinner up at Southport we had a true southern meal E.  Kool-aid, mac-n-cheese, Fried-Chicken casserole and carrot cake.  This family was straight up southern.

Question mom, how long does a potato last in the refrigerator??  Also it sounds like your SLC trip was very fun! OH DAD! I lovvvvved the postcard!!! It made my day!!! I got it on my ONE MONTH BIRTHDAY! July 12th! Yep, one month!! 17 more to go! (:  MOM, thank you for the package and letter!!!! The package was great! I LOVE the meerkat!!! And the signs are so cute and now all over our apartment.  The jump rope Dad is perfect!  I use it every day!  Also that plaque from Pres. Hinckley makes the room way homier so I love it! So thank you so much!! Mom, I laughed out loud (LOL) when you wrote in your letter about the orange poofy thing...hahah it’s called a LUFFA! I got your other letter on Saturday which was perfect!!  Getting mail rules which by the way....S/O to HOLLY ORTON MY LIL SIS for the cutest letter.  It had stickers all around the envelope and pictures and it was just great! Made me so happy!! 

I’m glad you saw the pic of the Smiths and us! It was fun to see them again!!! They are so great! The hole in my dress unfortunately is not on a seam.....but Sister Morse might be able to try her best to do something with it! Sister Morse is great because she drives us places when we have our bikes and it’s really hot.  She was also just made a ward missionary so she comes with us to visit people and its fun because I feel like she is my sister!  She is due January 28th. 

I'm so happy the Dee's texted you that pic! They are so sweet.  The girls in the picture are in our YW's!  We connect really well. I am trying to get them to come on splits with us but they are too nervous!! ONE DAY!!

Fun fact about the south.....they do not believe in sidewalks.....I have yet to see one!!! Also, they park in the grass, like the front yard. It’s interesting.

MOM AND AUNT RHONDA....we went to a house for dinner and the entire house was filled with old antique dolls, Mary Engelbreit, and QUILTS ON QUILITS ON QUILTS! You two would have died in there!! 

Random question, did you ever get the second package I sent out of the MTC?? 

ALSO...:( :( I'm sad about the ring but honestly it was so disgusting I probably would never have worn it anyways! It was a good ring and got me through high school but I will find another one, one day hopefully!!! If in the next package you could send like one or two of my old ones that would be good though! My fingers feel so naked!

Other than the investigators we are just planting seeds and meeting with returning members which is good!  It’s really sad to see how many returning members there are.....but one step at a time is all it takes! I love being a missionary and meeting people and planting seeds because I know one day they will come to the gospel and I would have been a part of it whether I ever realize it or not!! I miss you all so much!!!! Your eyes are truly opened to the happiness and blessings you had back at home! I am so grateful for you all and want to share my love for eternal families with other families!! So they can feel the happiness and love we have.  A cool quote by Pres. Monson says, "When we choose to have a positive attitude and to live our lives in joy we are showing our thanksgiving to God.  We are showing to him that we are grateful for our very life which He's given us.  When we are negative we are not.  If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues." That just means that we are showing gratitude by being HAPPY! SO be happy! (: <3 I love you all so much and here are some pics!! Hopefully we will get some good beach ones this week and then I'll make a CD NEXT week! Sorry I keep postponing that! Have a great week!!! Love, Sister HOLMOE, LAGIRL, AUNTIE LOLO, LIL GIRL

Panama City Zone

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