Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 6


First things first, why on earth is Florida called the Sunshine State when it rains just as much as it is sunny!?  So confusing!!  It’s actually so bizarre because half the sky will be blue skies and sun and the other half is black clouds and lightning!  Crazy weather that’s for sure!! THE BEACH LAST WEEK WAS SOOOOOO FUN!!!! And the shirt that I bought is awesome!  The white sand wasn't hot at all so we lucked out! It probably was not as white as Destin though!  It was just great to relax, play some games, and eat delicious GEORGIA PEACHES (which are in season and the best things in the world), on the beach!  I am planning on sending home a small envelope package home today with a CD of pics!  If it works and if we have time...I'm not sure because apparently we are going to the beach AGAIN??  who knows though because the weather is not looking very promising today! Either way I will be fine because I have a lot of letters to catch up on!! Oh we were allowed to wear shorts on the beach so I was rockin BYU stuff of course!  I'm sending home earrings in the package because I couldn't resist not buying them but they are too big to wear on my mission! They are so cute and you will see why I just couldn't resist!! I figured I wouldn't be in Panama City too often or ever again, so I went for it!! A lot of movies are actually filmed in Panama City so it’s a cool place!!  But also super crazy around Spring so crazy they don't let the missionaries go out. 

Mom, guess what!? Saturday night....we had burgers for dinner.....Sunday lunch....we had burgers....Sunday dinner....burgers! 3 different families fed us burgers all in a row!!!! I seriously thought I was going to die!! You would have been in seventh heaven though! I'm like praying that tonight we don't get fed burgers or I don't know what I am going to do!  Olives are my least favorite thing. I was like gagging. Apple Pie is my new fav thing! I crave it all the time! Erik, we went to Tropical Smoothie Cafe (I remember you telling me about it).  It was goooood and my smoothie tasted just like the one I get at Orange Julius so I was pretty pumped!  Also this week we got to go to Olive Garden!  I was downing those bread sticks like they were Texas Roadhouse Rolls! Sorry if talking about food bores y’all but good meals are highlights of our week as missionaries (:

I'm glad you saw the pics of us and Sister Smith!  She came with us and it was awesome.  We just visited a returning member but it was such a cool experience because the woman started crying during our message; she never cries.  The spirit was pretty strong!  This woman’s husband is the most active member there ever was but his wife just doesn't go anymore.  It is pretty sad to see but we are working with her and hopefully soon she will be able to open up more.  Sister Smith was so great to have with us. We also got interviewed by President Smith!  I love that guy!  I feel so blessed to have him as my President! 

Funny story, we were visiting a woman whose daughter was named KAELIN! I've never heard that name except for KAELIN HALES!  Which by the way I miss a lot!!! It made my day!  So one day this week we did service for an elderly woman who is so hilarious.  Anyways it was so hot outside and we were doing yard work and then we were on bikes that day....I ended up changing the G's like 3 times no joke because it was that hot!

Another funny story.  We met a family and their names were Critter and Squirrel......only in the south I'm telling ya......

This week we also did exchanges with other sisters!  So Sister Brigham became my comp and we stayed in Lynn Haven!  She is great and it turns out she was the one in my mission prep class!!  She also lived in Stover but she is 2 years older than me!  I really liked her and learned a lot so it was good!  A lot of our appointments fell through that day though so we tracted a lot, which for some odd reason I don't mind!  I like talking to strangers.  ITS A MIRACLE I KNOW!!  (: 

Yeah we have the smallest amount of girls in our zone! But, we are getting 12 new ones from the MTC this next transfer so they might be opening up some new areas to sisters, who knows!!  I have a feeling both Sister Stanfield and I are staying another transfer....we both just feel it!  Which is totally fine but only time will tell! Transfers are August 7th! 

In the next package if you could hit me up with some mascara that would be grand! Also, my biking shorts are great but do they have Nike ones that are stretchier maybe??? I don’t know......just be on the look out!  I LOVE the fabric headbands, especially the black and white polka dot and the yellow and white polka dot ones!  I wear them all the time so if you ever see anymore get them please!!!  Oh and no I haven't tried the potato bag yet but I will! How long does a potato last in the fridge??? Let me know asap! I'm curious because I've had one in there for a while.....and need to know whether to buy a new one!

DAD. THAT ARTICLE OF YOUR CONVERSION WAS AMAZING!  I lovvvved reading it and gave it to one of the Elders investigators who had a BCD for august 3rd.  He loves football and loved the article.  Turns out he decided to move his date up a week because he is ready and excited!  So this Saturday should be his baptism if everything works out!! I’M STOKED!!! He is great!! I loved how there were so many people involved in your story because that’s how it goes.  So many seeds were planted and I hope that I will be many people’s seeds in their conversion story.  SO ONTO OUR INVESTIGATORS.......One girl unfortunately decided not to meet with us anymore which is sad of course but I feel so grateful that I was even a part of her life for a little. I know that she'll never forget the first missionaries to teach her and that Heavenly Father has a plan for her and she just has to find it!  One day she will know the truth.  The sweet black lady is progressing and we were able to teach her 3 lessons last week! She’s great but is working on overcoming her addiction to smoking, which could be a difficult road.  Baby steps though.  I know that she can get through it but we just have to be patient and help her the best we can!  There were two we weren't able to meet with last week but we have plans for this week!  Also there is another woman who has potential!!  Hopefully we can teach some lessons this week because that’s my favorite part!!!

So I started the BOM the first day of the MTC and am now in the middle of 3rd Nephi.....I think of any gospel subject my testimony has grown the strongest in the Book of Mormon.  I love it, every page and challenge everyone to read a few verses a day!!  Studying it each morning has made such a huge difference. 

Sounds like the Doll Room is coming along great!! I will be so excited to see it all done and cute!!  Have you guys seen Despicable Me 2 yet!?! Everyone keeps saying how good it is!!! AH I WANT TO SEE IT!

I haven't gotten the package yet...but that’s okay!!! I got your two letters and postcard which was great!!

Oh also that black skirt from Mikarose is a great biking skirt so if you ever see more of those buy it!!

I think that is it for now but knowing me I will probably send a shorter email with the stuff I forgot!! Love y’all so much! I hope y’all have a great week!! Thank you for all the support and love! It means a lot and knowing I have family and friends support back home makes it easier!  Dad, hope your surgery recovery is going well and mom, I hope your knees are getting better each day! LOVE YOU ALL <3

Oh and if you see Tanner Tronson tell him CONGRATS!!! Bolivia is sweet and I have a friend there who loves it!!! He will be great!! 

Until next week!!


ps the pic with all the girls are some of the YW!  I love them so much!

A view of Panama City

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